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Highcliffe St Mark Primary School

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Uniform and PE kit


Children won't need PE Kits until after Christmas


PE kits

The children will need dark shorts and a white t-shirt only (please ensure these are clearly labelled with your child's name).  

Plimsols, trainers and tracksuits are not required until the spring term- we will let you know when to bring these in.  Please encourage you child to dress independently at home to help with PE changing at school, thank you.


Uniform:           All uniform must be named.



Winter Uniform

Grey trouser

White polo shirt

Bottle green jumpers (school logo- optional)

Sensible footwear (dark colour Grey or white socks)


Summer Uniform (optional) (from Easter until October half term)

Grey trousers/shorts

White polo shirts



Winter Uniform

Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers

White shirt Bottle green jumper or cardigan (school logo-optional)

Sensible footwear (dark colour) Grey or green tights /Grey or white socks


Summer Uniform (optional) (from Easter until October half term)

Green/white striped or checked dress

Grey shorts and white polo shirt
