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Highcliffe St Mark Primary School

Learning for life, respect for all

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Highcliffe St Mark Primary School 

Personal, Social and Health Education Vision Statement



At Highcliffe St Mark, we aim to provide children with the skills, knowledge, understanding and values to become the best version of themselves within the community and to become lifelong learners.


Our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) programme, called SCARF, promotes Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship, equipping children with the knowledge, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. As well as using resources from SCARF, our curriculum encompasses day-to-day teaching, restore and repair conversations as well as being enriched by technology opportunities and thus online safety is a vital part.


Our provision supports developing confident citizens and successful learners who are creative, resourceful and able to identify and solve problems. The social and emotional development of pupils is embedded throughout the entire school’s curriculum and culture. We place a strong emphasis on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all children and our 3 core Christian values, Respect, Courage and Compassion, underpin everything. These core values are embedded within our curriculum and the culture of our school, but are also intertwined within every PSHE lessons.


We aim to give pupils the knowledge to develop their self-esteem, confidence and self-awareness equipping them to make informed choices and decisions. At Highcliffe St Mark we also encourage pupils to make sense of their own personal and social experiences - allowing them to understand their role as members of families, local communities and as global neighbours. In addition, we teach children to stay safe online, develop healthy and safe relationships, help them to interpret messages shown through media, to challenge extreme views and have the skills and tools to question and assert themselves now and in the future.


Through our outdoor learning opportunities and ECO council, we encourage a caring attitude and responsibility for the environment. We also help pupils to understand how society works, the laws, rights and responsibilities involved as well as promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.


At Highcliffe St Mark, we strongly believe that PSHE plays a crucial part in children’s education and therefore it is taught weekly, following the half-termly units, not including the other cross-curricula links as well as staff teaching additional PSHE due to their own class’s tailored needs. As a whole school, PSHE is a vital part of school assemblies and collective worships, where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is inspired, nurtured and challenged.

Personal, Social and Health Education - Curriculum Overview

Personal, Social and Health Education - Progression of Knowledge and Skills Documents
