Eco Action Vision Statement
At Highcliffe St Mark Primary we believe that all students need to develop an awareness from a young age of the environmental issues that affect the world we live in. Educating the children about caring for our world enables pupils to develop the knowledge, skills, understanding and values to participate in decisions both individually and collectively. Children are given the opportunity to make their contribution towards the local and global environment in which they live. To increase this awareness, we create teaching opportunities across the curriculum, support local and national campaigns to help develop their understanding of these issues and most importantly, actively take part in concrete action towards making a positive change.
Our Eco Captains in Year 6 help promote all things green across our school. They are responsible for driving our campaigns forward, highlighting events across the school, presenting ideas in assembly times and leading our Eco Action meetings.
Eco Captains meet with Mrs Stansbie every week and lead a whole school Eco Council meeting once a fortnight.
If you have any ideas on how we can help our planet, please speak to your Class Eco Representative or a Year 6 Eco Captain.
Thank you.
Year 4 and the Eco captains and Eco representatives were recently invited to take part in a ‘Water Wise’ workshop which was delivered by Life Education working in partnership with Bournemouth Water. During the session we learnt about:
· The importance of water
· Ways in which we use water,
· Where water comes from
· How water is made safe to drink
· How water gets to our tap
· How to use water wisely
It was a very informative morning and the children ‘soaked up’ a lot of information!
Please click on the link for tips on how to be more water efficient in your home.
Our mini hedgerows of crab apple, hazel and rowan trees have been planted behind the new KS1 play equipment and alongside an area of fencing by the field. Last year Mrs Hughes and the Eco Captains entered a bid for trees to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee and won five of each. It is fitting that we have now planted them for the Coronation. Thank you to Mr Ottewil and Mr West for looking after them and helping us plant them.
Fairtrade Fortnight Competition
Thank you for all of the competition entries. Mrs Hughes and the Eco Captains enjoyed judging them. We hope the winners enjoyed their chocolate prizes donated by Tesco New Milton. Our prizes were all either Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance. You can find out what the difference is in the current edition of The Hub. It is great to see all of the posters on display in classrooms around the school.
Recycle to Read Campaign
We are collecting batteries to recycle at the school office. We can exchange the batteries for a voucher to buy some books for school! Our first consignment has been shipped so watch this space!
Thank you for bringing in your books to swap. Hopefully everyone will enjoy reading something new and maybe even something a little different. Book swapping / sharing could carry on in the future with your friends and in class. Did you know we even have a book swap shelf in the staffroom?
Lunchtime Recycling
We have boxes to collect soft plastics in each classroom. Please put your empty crisp packets and snack bar wrappers in here. We empty them once a week and the plastics are taken to a local supermarket to be recycled. You could try this at home - you will be amazed at how much you can collect!
Please take home any food waste to compost it or to put it in your home food waste bin. At the moment we do not have this facility at school. Thank you.
Wow! What a response. School definitely looks happier with all our new editions. We now have plants in classrooms, book corners and corridors. See if you can spot them? Any further donations of plants and attractive pots will still be gratefully received. Thank you to Stewarts for some potting compost and pots and thanks also to the Oakhaven Hospice shop in Highcliffe who kindly passed on some of their donated pots.
Switch Off Fortnight
As a result of Switch Off Fortnight we now have energy monitors in each class. It is everyone's responsibility to turn off lights and equipment when it is not in use. We are much better at this in classrooms now but we need to think about the communal areas a little bit more. Let's make this a good habit to get into! Practise this at home!